Types of DNA
We all are the spectacular splendid ( fine, grand,
superb, impressive, marvelous, wonderful, fabulous , super) manifestation (expression, demonstration) of life
We all have languages ,we all have affection and we
all have gene, and gene is made of DNA which is the ultimate language of life
for evolution, existence and enhancement.
Let us interact with it in some more closer manner
Griffith’s Experiment
In the late 1920s, Frederick Griffith studied
transformation process in Pneumococcus and gave the concept of Transforming
In 1940s Avery, Macleod and Mac Carty with treatment
of DNase, RNase and protease proved that Transforming agent is DNA
Hershy and Chase experiment
second experimental approach indicating that DNA is the genetic material for
Bacteriophage also came from the study of Hershy and Chase
Watson and Crick
The crystallography work of Franklin and Wilkins
suggested a helical structure with two strands, with 10 base pair per turn
The work of Chargaff indicated that the amount of A
equals T and the amount of G equals C
Finally in 1962 on the basis of all pieces of
information Watson and Crick suggested the Double Helix structure of DNA for which
they were awarded with Noble prize in 1962
Key features of DNA structure
DNA is a
right handed double helix
The bases in opposite strands Hydrogen bond
according to the A-T and G-C rule
The two stands are anti parallel with regards to
their 5’ to 3’ directionality
There are approx. 10 nucleotides in each strand per
complete 3600 turn of the helix
Nucleotides are linked by phosphodiester linkage, It
has been estimated that half life for hydrolysis by phosphodiester linkage in
DNA is about 200 million years.
A-DNA structure is shorter and thicker
Found under condition of low humidity and high salt
There about 11 base pairs per helical turn with
vertical rise of 2.56 Å per residue
Very deep major groove and shallow minor grooves are
Displacement of the axis also forms a whole approx.
3 Å in diameter
The average overall structure of DNA in living
organisms is believed to be B-DNA like. Notably this conformation unlike the A
and Z forms is highly flexible
Found under condition of high humidity and low salt
concentration and was the basis of Watson-Crick structure
The helix is relatively long and thin with approx.
10 base pairs per helical turn. The rise per residues is 3.4 Å, the approx.
thickness of bases
The base pairs are nearly perpendicular to the
helical axis
The major and minor grooves are roughly the same s
It incorporates a left handed helix rather than the
usual right handed variety with zigzagging backbone
The Z-DNA structure is longer and much thinner than
that of B-DNA and completes one turn in 12 base pairs
The major grooves are not distinct and minor grooves
very deep
The biological function of Z- DNA is not known. Some
evidences exist that suggest that Z-DNA influences gene expression and
Bent DNA
DNA sequences with runs of 4 to 6 adenine phased by
10 bp spacers produced bent conformation
DNA bending appears to be a fundamental element in
interaction between DNA sequences and proteins that catalyze central processes,
such as replication, transcription and site specific recombination
Bending also occurs because of photochemical damage
or miss pairing of bases and serves as a recognition signal for initiation of
DNA repair
Anti-tumor antibiotics & DNA
The best studied example is the antitumor drug
Cisplatin, a tetra coordinate platinum complex
Cisplatin is used alone or in combination with other
antitumor agents to treat variety of tumors including testicular, ovarian, bone and lung cancer
Hairpins and Cruciform DNA
Double hair pins often called cruciform structures
can be found in some DNA sequences. A special kind of sequences referred as a
palindrome is required
The word palindrome is of literacy origin and
usually refers to a statement that reads the same backward and forward
The overall biological function for cruciform is
only circumstantial and has not been established
Hoogsteen triple helix
and H- DNA
and H- DNA
Triple stranded DNA ( H- DNA)
Normal Watson-Crick pairing is A-T and G-C but later
it was discovered that de-oxy triplets like T-A-T and C+- G-C can also be
formed which is known as Hoogsteen type base-pairing
H-DNA may play a role in control of Transcription,
Replication and Recombination.
Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) is
a group of conditions in which fetal hemoglobin synthesis is not turned off
with but continues into adulthood
The disease results from failure in control of
transcription from human Gγ- and Aγ globulin genes. Affected chromosome fails
to switch from γ to β chain synthesis
Four stranded DNA
Guanine nucleotides and highly G rich nucleotides
from novel tetramer structures called G quartets
Four stranded structures are stabilized by the presence
of metal cations specially sodium and potassium
X-ray diffraction and NMR experiment have shown that
C-rich oligodeoxyribonucleotide can form a
complementary novel type of four stranded complex called i-DNA
Importance of four stranded DNA
Telomerase activity
has been detected in most tumor cell lines and may be responsible
for cancer
A new approach towards cancer treatment is immerged
as telomerase inhibition which involves use of the drug that binds with G-
quadruplex DNA
aromatic molecules such as porphyrins and antraquinones selectively binds and
stabilize G- quadruplex DNA structure
Slipped DNA
DNA regions with direct repeats symmetry can form
structures known as slipped, miss paired DNA (SMP-DNA)
Although SMP-DNA has not yet been identified in
vivo, genetic evidences suggests that this type of DNA has undoubtedly involved
in spontaneous frame shift mutagenesis
Duplication of certain simple triplet repeats that
are implicated as the basis of several human genetic diseases may also occur by
this mechanism like fragile X syndrome.
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)
Restriction enzyme digest of homologous chromosomes
contain fragments with different length which can be used to compare the
homology in DNA
RFLP is particular valuable for diagnosing inherited
diseased for which the molecular defect is unknown
DNA sequencing by di-deoxy method
DNA is to be incubated with DNA polymerase I, primer
and the four ddNTP substrates
When the di deoxy analog is incorporated into the
growing polynucleotide in the place of normal; nucleotide chain growth is
And a series of trumpted chain is generated which
after electrophoratic analysis gives the sequence of DNA
In 1984, Karry Mullis devised a method called the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for amplifying specific DNA sequences in vitro
The main steps involves separation of DS DNA,
binding of primer, elongation and again separation and repetition of the same.
Chemical Synthesis Of DNA
In the first step the DMTR group is cleaved off
In second step next monomer is added in protonated
Finally to stabilise the product the trivalent
phosphorous is oxidised to the pentavalent state, forming a phosphodiester
Bio-chip is an emerging technology is based on the
hybridization potential of DNA which is used for comparing the DNA sequences
and even expression analysis
Bio-chip technology is used for genetic diagnostics,
drug discovery, and basic research applications
Gene Bank
EMBL nucleotide sequence database
Adleman DNA computer experiment
devised a way of applying DNA manipulation techniques to the
"Hamilton Path Problem" - for several cities by using Strands of DNA
represent the seven cities
These molecules are then mixed in a test tube
Within a few seconds, all of the possible
combinations of DNA strands, which represent answers, are created in the test
The success of the Adleman DNA computer proves that
DNA can be used to calculate complex mathematical problems
Advantages of DNA computer
More than 10 trillion DNA molecules can fit into an
area no larger than 1 cubic centimeter (0.06 cubic inches). With this small
amount of DNA, a computer would be able to hold 10 terabytes of data, and
perform 10 trillion calculations at a time so
that it will make computers smaller than any traditional computer
DNA computers can perform calculations
parallel to other calculations
Besides the traditional use, computers may also lead
us to a better understanding of a more complex computer -- the human brain
A striking characteristic of DNA is its ability to
encode an enormous quantity of biological information. For example, human cell
contain information for the synthesis of about 50,000 to 1, 00,000 proteins
This information is stored in the cell nucleus, a
package roughly 0.00001 meter in diameter. Despite this compactness,
information in DNA is readily accessed and duplicated on command
The ability to store large amount of information on
molecules and to access it readily is still far beyond modern information
The capacity of nucleic acid to maintain and
transmit the archived information efficiently arises directly from their
chemical structure
Thus DNA seems to be not only and self replicating
but also in the knowledge of recent development may become self analysing and
problem solving ultimate mechanism in future.
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