Tuesday, July 23, 2019

plant biotechnology

Biotechnology is a scientific discipline with focus on the exploitation of
Metabolic properties of living organisms for the production of valuable products
of a very different structural and organizational level for the benefit of
Men. The products can be the organisms themselves (i.e., biomass or parts
of the organism body), products of cellular or organismic metabolism (i.e.,
enzymes, metabolites), or products formed from endogenous or exogenous
substrates with the help of single enzymes or complex metabolic routes. The
organisms under question vary from microbes (bacteria, fungi) to animals
and plants. In addition to intact organisms, isolated cells or enzyme preparations
are employed in biotechnology. The possibility to submit the producing
organisms or the cellular systems to technical and even industrial
procedures has led to highly productive processes. The products of biotechnology
are of importance for medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, agriculture,
food production, chemistry, and numerous other disciplines.
Biotechnology receives the necessary scientific and technical information
from a considerable number of disciplines. Cell biology, morphology
of the employed organisms, biochemistry, physiology, genetics, and various technical fields are major sources. In the last two decades, molecular biology
and gene technology have substantially contributed to the spectrum of scientific
disciplines forming biotechnology. As is always true for progress in
natural sciences, it is especially true for biotechnology that more rapid development
and gain of higher standards depend on the improvement of
In the historical development of biotechnology, microbes have been
used preferentially. They still offer an extremely rich potential for biotechnological
application. Animal systems and their cells are also valuable
systems, especially in view of the very costly products (i.e., antibodies,
vaccines). Although much later in the chronological process, plant biotechnology
has made an impressive development in gaining basic and applicable
knowledge as well as in establishing production processes. It is therefore
justified to speak of an emerging field.


In each ecosystem plants and other photosynthetically active organisms are
responsible for primary production, which provides the energetic and nutritional
basis for all subsequent trophic levels. The extremely high ability of
plants to adapt to all kinds of environmental conditions and ecosystems has
led to an extremely wide and differentiated spectrum of plants. Since ancient
times higher plants have formed the main source of food for men, and
therefore, concomitant with early phases of settlements and agriculture, men
started to establish and improve crop plants. Archeological evidence has
clearly shown how long well-known crop species (i.e., maize, cereals, legumes)
have been grown, modified by selection, and thus improved in quality
and yield. Plant breeding is indeed an old art that has been continuously
developed in efficiency and scope. Quite typical for quality breeding of, for
instance, cereals is the long procedure required (sometimes decades) to reach
particular genotypes and to cross in specific genes or traits.
An interesting achievement in breeding of wheat is characterized by
the term green revolution, in which (around 1950-1960) wheat genotypes
from many different countries were used successfully on a very large scale
to breed high-yielding and durable lines. For many countries such new varieties
were a very great improvement for their agriculture.
Another important goal in breeding improved crop plants is the often
achieved adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions (i.e., heat,
drought, salt, and other cues). Although good results have been obtained,
such efforts will undoubtedly remain in the focus of future efforts. Better
insight into the physiology, biochemistry, and chemical reactions as well as the gene regulation of the endogenous adaptation and defense mechanisms
that plants can express will contribute to these objectives. Gene technology
will be an essential component in these efforts.
Another characteristic feature of the long-term breeding of cereals,
potatoes, or vegetables is the fact that during the long periods the shape and
the outer appearance of the plants have changed so much that the original
wild types were either lost or no longer easily identified as starting material.
A typical example is corn. Modern agricultural crop plants are also bred for
very uniform physical appearance, time of flowering, and maturity so that
harvest by machines in an industrial manner is possible (examples are cotton,
maize, and cereals). It is a feature of our high-yielding agriculture that all
possible mechanical techniques are being employed.
Very precious treasures for future agriculture and for plant biotechnology
are the gene banks and the International Breeding Centers, where
great numbers of genotypes of crop plants are multiplied and carefully preserved
for long periods of time. Such "pools of genes" represent the basis
for sustainable development and allow future programs for improved adaptation
of plants to human needs. Fortunately, the understanding has gained
ground in recent years that in addition to crop plants all types of wild plants,
in every ecosystem, must be preserved because of the genetic resources to
be possibly exploited in the future.
An interesting development in itself, with a long history and remarkable
contributions to culture and art, is the numerous and sometimes highly
sophisticated ornamental plants produced in many countries. Beauty of color
and flower shape were the guidelines in their breeding and selection. Rather
early in this development the value of mutagenetic reagents was learned,
and these ornamentals also served to shape the term of a mutant. Recent
biochemical studies with, for example, snapdragon, tulip, chrysanthemum,
or petunia and their flavonoid constituents clearly presented evidence that
the various flower colors can contribute to identifing biosynthetic pathways.
In connection with flower pigments, which are secondary metabolites,
it should be remembered that numerous other secondary constitutents of very
different chemical structures are valuable Pharmaceuticals. In many countries
knowledge of plants as sources of drugs has been cherished for long
times. Modern pharmacological and chemical studies have helped in the
identification of the relevant compounds. Such investigations are still considered
important objectives of plant biotechnology. In some cases extensive
breeding programs have already achieved the selection and mass cultivation
of high-yielding lines. In modern pharmacy, about 25% of drugs still contain
active compounds from natural sources, which are primarily isolated from
For a good number of years in the period from 1950 to 1980, plant
biochemistry and plant biophysics concentrated on elucidation of the photosynthetic
processes. The pathways of CO2 assimilation as well as structure,
energy transfer reactions, and membrane organization of chloroplasts and
their thylakoids were objectives of primary interest. Chloroplast organization
and molecular function of this organelle can be regarded as well-understood
fields in plant biochemistry and physiology.
The last three decades of the 20th century were characterized by very
comprehensive molecular analyses of chemical reactions, metabolic pathways,
cellular organization, and adaptative responses to unfavorable environmental
conditions in numerous plant systems. A very broad set of data
has been accumulated so that plant biochemistry and closely related fields
can now offer a good understanding of plants as multicellular organisms and
highly adaptative systems. From a molecular point of view, the construction
and the functioning of the different tissues and organs have become clear.
Numerous experimental techniques have contributed to this development and
some are typical plant-specific methods (i.e., cell culture techniques) with a
very broad scope of application.
A fascinating field of modern plant biochemistry concerns the elucidation
of the function and the molecular mechanisms of the various photoreceptor
systems of higher plants. Red/far red receptors, blue light-absorbing
cryptochromes, and ultraviolet (UV) light photoreceptors are essential
components of plant development (1). These systems translate a light signal
into physiological responses via gene activation. Quite remarkable, phosphorylated/
unphosphorylated proteins are the essential components of the
signal transduction system (1,2). Biotechnology will gain from this knowledge,
and highly sensitive sensor systems could possibly be constructed.
In the history of plant sciences and biotechnology, the recent development
of molecular biology and the introduction of gene technology deserve
emphasis. Isolation, characterization, and functional determination of
genes have become possible. Many plant genes were rather rapidly identified,
and the number is increasing at enormous speed. Promoter analyses
and identification of promoter binding proteins have decisively contributed
to an understanding of the organization and function of plants as organisms
consisting of multiple tissues and different organs. The phenomena of multigenes
and multiple enzymes in one protein family were further revealed.
Many different techniques in molecular biology and gene technology turned
out to be extremely valuable. Recognition of the biology of Agrobacterium
tumefaciens and application of its transferred DNA (T-DNA) system represented
giant leaps forward. In general, because of these modern gene technological
methods, plant biotechnology has grown into a new dimension
with putative future possibilities that can hardly be overestimated.

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